
Customizable Spark Profile

Granblue Fantasy themed profile card with a customizable background.

Customizable Welcome Message

Sends messages when users join the server, leave the server, or get banned from the server. Also has the ability to give the user roles when they join the server.
Customize the background, the channel, join messages, leave messages, and ban messages.
Settings allow for granular control over which features are enabled or disabled.

Player Search

Search for a player by ID or player name.
Displays an image containing the player's profile page, support summons, and star character.

Crew Search

Search for a crew by ID or crew name.
Displays a screenshot of the crew page and lists the crew's rank in the last GW as well as the crew's name history.


Shows current and upcoming events.
Tells you how much time is left in current events and tells you when upcoming events start.

Draw from the current banner

Use any amount of single rolls or 10-part tickets to draw from the current banner, or draw until you get a certain character or summon.

Automatically Updated Nicknames

Automatically updates the spark counter in your nickname when you update your spark funds. Accepted formats: (000/300) & 00.00%
Europa's role must be in a higher position than the roles of those whose nicknames she is trying to update in order for this to work.
This feature does not work for the server owner due to a Discord limitation.